Joséane Brunelle was born in Montreal in 1964, into a home where she was taught to appreciate art from a very young age. From the moment she could hold a pencil, she began drawing faces - always fascinated with the extraordinary and powerful emotions, conveyed through such subtle movements. Through the years, Joséane has never found a subject richer in semantics and expression than portraiture, which holds a fundamental place in the history of art. Willem de Kooning was once asked: “How could one still paint faces?” to which he responded: ”How can one not”? A person is a universe, and to Joséane, an endless source of inspiration.
1984-7 Concordia University, BFA, Honours.
Solo Exhibitions
2004 Irreality, Galerie 1225, Montreal
Works Exhibited at
2004 -6 Galerie 1225, Montreal
2001-4 Galerie Kastel, Montreal
1999 Le Castelet, St- Sauveur
1993-6 Galerie Le Van Gogh, Montreal
1992-4 Galerie A. H. Campbell, Montreal
Group Shows
2006 ART+VISION, Center for Macular Digeneration, Montreal
2006 Casa D’Italia, Centro della communità della piccola Italia, Montreal
2006 Montreal General Hospital Auxilliary fundraiser, Montreal
2005 Le Group 1225, Galerie 1225, Montreal
2000 Individuazioni 4, Galleria Mentana, Florence, Italy
Grants, Awards and Selection Committees
2002 Finalist, International Biennial Art Competition in San Remo
2002-3 Canada Day Poster Challenge, Judge
Press Reviews TV and Radio
2004 CHTV, ARTE MONDO, with Anita Aloiso, Montreal
2003 1280 AM, with Marco Luciano Castiglia,, Montreal
2002 1280 AM, with Marco Luciano Castiglia, Montreal
2000 RAI UNO, Florence, Italie
Selected Bibliography (Periodicals)
BRISSON, Anne Emilie, “Plurielle Ouverture,” AGIR, September, 2004, p.19.
MANOLOVA, Velina, “Reality Re-evaluated”, The McGill Daily, Issue 9, 10 October, 2004.
BRUNELLE, Joseane /TONDINO, Tristan, “An Irreal Letter, A response to Velina Manolova, Issue 10, 17 October, 2004.
Catalogues and Internet
2002 International Biennial Art Competition in San Remo
2006 Collectors’ Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction